Scar Therapy Massage

Scar tissue affects many layers of tissue, not just the surface.

Do you believe your scar is contributing to your pain?  Could your scar be causing the pulling sensation you feel?

Pain, restriction, and self-consciousness about appearance are just a few ways a person can be affected by a scar.

The scar may be a reminder of the trauma, making it difficult for someone else to touch or even for the person themselves to touch or look at it.

These feelings are real.

More pain and discomfort are the last things wanted for the scar site.

That is why this therapy is right for you.

It is gentle, pain-free, and aimed at reintegrating the scar with you.

Scar massage therapy is a remedial massage treatment and can be claimed with your health fund.  It can be a stand-alone treatment or included with a more standard massage.

What outcomes might you expect after scar massage therapy?

  • reduction in localised pain
  • reduction in deep pain sensations
  • reduction or elimination of deep pulling menstrual pain associated with caesarian scar
  • smoothing of scar texture
  • normalising scar tissue colour
  • improved mobility by improving scar tissue pliability